Welcome to my medieval treasure hunt. Please start with the first sight.
Fimentality topic on medieval history
First sight
Gargoyles were figures on architectural structures which serves as what?
Second sight
What problem did King have with some vassals?
Third sight
When did tenants become serfs?
Fourth sight
Did Charlemagne have sons that were coronated?
Fifth sight
Why did people consider riddles to be important in game playing
Sixth sight
In making a game board why use a steel rule?
Seventh sight
What are the names of the 3 west façade windows ar Notre Dame?
Eight sight
How many times was the Devizes Castle in Wiltshire England destroyed?
Ninth Sight
Beowulf poem talks of the Gutar but also of the wars between Gutar and who and when?
Tenth Sight
How were dead cows used as a defense by people in the castle?
After taking this treasure hunt you will have a broader sense of life in medieval times. It touches on areas that you have studied like the character of Charlemagne but also gives an idea for other areas in medieval life such as board games, a defense used in times of siege, stained glass windows of Notre Dame and the famous literary work Beowulf. If you look into the websites you will learn even more about the people, such as they were very religious.
Would you consider life in medieval times generally to be harder than life today or not?