Prairie Lane Elementary N e w s l e t t e r |
Second Edition Third Quarter April-May 2000
Kindergarten studied artist, Georgia O'Keefe and were inspired to paint large watercolor flowers. In a different project we talked about how artists don't always use brushes with paint. Ask your kindergartner what was used to create their fish picture.
First grade studied Vincent Van Gogh and were awed by his Starry Night so we each made our own in oil pastels. First graders have also looked at the geometric shapes of the Navajo Indians and used the shapes in a design on the quilt that three figures are wearing. They worked in mixed media.
Second grade studied lines and made patterns of lines on their large stuffed fish. There are several self portraits on display that second graders made afte
studying Matisse and his use of patterns. In another project we looked at artist Henri Rousseau's painting,
'Jungle' and were inspired to have our own layered jungle scene.
Third grade has clay fish that were texturized and glazed. They are now in the process of illustrating a story about their fish. It's a real underwater adventure that was sparked after reading 'The Deep Water Man'. We will move onto quilting after this.
Fourth grade made clay states that were built up with landmarks and other forms unique to that state. See if you can guess the state by its shape. The turn we took after that was quite a big one but they were up for the challenge as we studied abstract artist, Frank Stella and worked in his style for dividing our space with lines, vertical for power, horizontal for stillness and diagonal for movement. This division then set the tone for our citiscape.
Fifth grade has worked with color a lot this year and you'll see their use of monochromatic color in the shoe painting, the use of shading and tone in their apples, the use of complimentary color in their geospheres. And their teamwork using complimentary, secondary, primary and monochromatic color in their version of Andy Warhol's pop art.
Sixth grade has followed the timeline from the caveman. We jumped in after our stilllife was finished at the height of the Eqyptian dynasty. Their cartouche, written in hieroglyphichs, spells their name. We then made greek urns from red clay. Then onto Persian miniatures and from their to the Gargoyles of Notre Dame.
We hope you like the show and please come back and visit again as we love to display our work and it will be on display until the fifteenth of May!